Jabari is an African Serval with a pancreatic disorder called EPI, he is small for a serval. He makes up for it in personality.
Zabu is an F1 (1st generation hybrid) Savannah cat with mild cerebral palsy and seizures.
Friend is a Bengal Bobcat hybrid. He has arthritis and allergies, and is the loudest cat we have.
The primary purpose of the Siesta Annex Wildcat Shelter and Sanctuary is:
• To provide shelter and sanctuary care to exotic animals, especially feline wildcats with medical needs
The secondary missions are:
• To provide a safe home and care for exotic and hybrid exotic wildcats in our facility, especially those with medical needs
• To provide a safe, non-stressful transition for research and special needs animals to a supportive and caring environment
• To educate about the plight of exotic cats, including in the wild, in research, and in captivity, and how they can help through their behavior, actions, and support of programs, facilities, and regulations worldwide to protect exotic cats
The Siesta Annex Wildcat Shelter and Sanctuary is licensed by:
• San Mateo Animal Licensing: for housing and display of up to 10 exotic cats
• Calif. Fish and Wildlife as an exotic animal shelter for servals, with written support for additional animals with notice on relicensing.
• Registered with the USDA for exotic animal housing and exhibition.
Copyright ©2021 Siesta Annex Wildcat Shelter and Sanctuary -- All Rights Reserved.